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Allergic Rhinitis & It’s Homoeopathic Approach

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KNOW Homoeopathy Journal

Volume-1 | Issue-1 | October-2021

Title: Allergic Rhinitis & It’s Homoeopathic Approach

Authored By:- Dr. Ruchi Sharma

PGR-Department of Pharmacy, Swasthya Kalyan Homoeopathic Medical College and Research Centre, Sitapura, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

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Dr. Ruchi Sharma, Allergic Rhinitis & It’s Homoeopathic Approach, Vol.1 & Issue 1, KNOW Homoeopathy Journal, Pages 45 to 59 ( 19 October 2021), available at




KNOW Homoeopathy Journal

Volume-1 | Issue-1 | October-2021

Allergic rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa induced by allergens and IgE-mediated inflammation. Allergic rhinitis symptoms include rhinorrhea, sneezing, nasal irritation, and nasal congestion. Asthma, atopic dermatitis, and nasal polyps are among the disorders connected to it. Around 20-30% of Indians suffer from allergic rhinitis, which should be treated according to ARIA standards, while asthma should be treated according to GINA guidelines. Allergen avoidance, medication, and allergen immunotherapy should all be used to treat allergic rhinitis. Intranasal corticosteroids are the most effective therapy for allergic rhinitis, and their secondary qualities are critical for patient compliance.

KEYWORD: Allergic rhinitis ,asthma ,nasal polyps, immunotherapy, homoeopathic management

Sneezing, itching, watery nasal discharge, and a sensation of nasal blockage are all symptoms of allergic rhinitis, an IgE-mediated hypersensitivity illness of the nasal mucous membranes. It is caused by pollens, dust, animal dander, molds, and other allergens in the air. It's a common chronic disease that affects ten percent to thirty percent of adults and up to forty percent of youngsters throughout the globe. As pollution in the environment continues to grow, allergic rhinitis has become a worldwide health issue. 
There are two sorts of it: seasonal and perennial. Allergic rhinitis has been demonstrated to have a deleterious impact on emotional well-being and cognitive function. Rhinoconjunctivitis is common in underdeveloped nations, with 15.3 percent of 11 to 15-year-old schoolchildren in Northern Africa affected.
Rhinitis has a negative impact on a person's quality of life as well as their ability to attend school and work. It has a considerable impact on health-care expenses. Allergies are expected to cost the United Kingdom's national health systems one billion pounds per year.
Furthermore, research linking rhinitis and asthma is accumulating. Science has improved not just our knowledge of allergies, but also the results of allergy treatment. If allergic rhinitis is not properly treated, it may progress to bronchial asthma, bronchitis, eczema, and other allergy symptoms.
Traditional medicine assumes that all colds are the same and prescribes the same set of drugs, including intranasal corticosteroids, antihistamines, decongestants, nasal irrigation, and unnecessary surgery; sometimes to dry the nose, sometimes to suppress the cough, sometimes to reduce the fever and headache, and all of these drugs can have side effects.
Homoeopathy, on the other hand, may provide a considerable cure without any side effects or the need for unneeded surgery by encouraging the body to heal itself and so healing the patient's problems holistically, since it is a system that focuses on the individual rather than the illness. The holistic approach is utilized in homoeopathic treatment, which treats the individual as a whole rather than focusing on the disease's symptoms.

”Allergic rhinitis  is an IgE mediated hypersensitivity disease of  the  mucous membranes  of  the  nasal  airways  characterized by sneezing, itching  in the  nose , watery nasal discharge and  a sensation  of  nasal obstruction.”
The lining  of  the  nose  is  continuous  with  the paranasal sinuses  which  may  also  be  involved. Associated  allergic  conjunctivitis  and  bronchial  asthma  may  occur.
Allergic  rhinitis  occurs  in  atopic  individuals  who  are  exposed  to  common  aeroallergens.

A. Clinical types[2]:
1.      Seasonal  allergic  rhinitisit  occurs  particularly  during  pollen  season  to which  patient  is  sensitive.
2.      Perennial  allergic  rhinitis -  in  this  rhinitis  symptoms  are  present  throughout  the  year.
A. According  to  severity[3] :
1.       Mild – intermittent
2.       Moderate- Severe  intermittent
3.       Mild – Persistent
4.       Moderate – Severe  Persistent
Intermittent  is  when  the  symptoms  occur <4 days per week  or <4  consecutive  weeks.
Persistentis  when  symptoms  occur  >4 days/ week  and  >4  consecutive weeks.
The  symptoms  are  considered  mild  with  normal  sleep , no  impairement  of  daily  activities, leisure , no impairement  of  work and  school, and  if  symptoms  present  but  not  troublesome. Moderate – severe symptoms  result  in  sleep  disturbance , impairement  of  daily  activities, sports , leisure , impairement  of  school  or  work  and  troublesome  symptoms.

     Allergic rhinitis arises when a person with a sensitized immune system inhales an allergen such as pollen, dust, or animal dander (particles of lost skin and hair). In some persons, the allergens induce the antibody immunoglobin E (Ig E) to form, which binds to histamine-containing mast cells and basophils. When it's caused by pollen from any plant, it's termed "pollinosis," and when it's caused simply by grass pollens, it's called "hay fever." Hay fever has nothing to do with fevers or hay, yet it is named from the pollen released into the air by grasses when hay is harvested.[4]
    Pollen and dust trigger IgE binding to mast cells, resulting in the production of inflammatory mediators such as histamine and other substances. Sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, oedema and inflammation of the nasal passages, and an increase in mucus production are all common symptoms. [4]
In reaction to inhaled allergens, genetically predisposed persons produce specific IgE antibodies. The Fc end of this antibody clings to blood basophils and tissue mast cells. Antigens combine with IgE antibody at the Fab end after further exposure. Mast cells degranulate as a consequence of this event, releasing a range of chemical mediators, some of which are already produced and others that must be created from scratch. These mediators are responsible for the symptomatology of allergic disease. Vasodilation, mucosal oedema, eosinophil infiltration, increased secretion from nasal glands, and smooth muscle contraction may occur depending on the tissue involved.[5]
Clinically , allergic  response  occurs  in  2 phases:
a)      Acute  or  Early  phase –Sneezing, rhinorrhoea, nasal blockage, and/or bronchospasm are common symptoms that appear 5-30 minutes after contact to the allergen. The release of histamine and other vasoactive amines causes it.
b)      Late or  Delayed  phase It occurs after an allergen has been exposed for 2–8 hours with no additional exposure. Eosinophils, neutrophils, basophils, monocytes, and CD4 + T lymphocytes invade the antigen deposition site, causing swelling, congestion, and thick secretion. When an allergen is exposed repeatedly or continuously, the acute and late phases of symptoms overlap.[5]


A.   Genetic  predispositionIf one or both parents have allergic rhinitis, the chances of their offspring acquiring allergies are 20% and 47%, respectively[6]

B.    Allergens[7]
1.      Seasonal  allergic  rhinitis – It  is  commonly caused  by  allergy  to  seasonal  pollens  and  outdoor  molds.
2.      Grass  pollens -  seasonal allergic rhinitis  in U.K (Varney, 1991) is most  commonly due  to  allergy to  grass  pollen  with  seasonal  symptoms  in  june or july  corresponding  to  peak  grass   pollen  counts. The commonest  grass species  associated  with  allergic  rhinitis are – perennial rye (Loliumperenne), the  large  leafed Timothy  grass (phleumpratnese), cocksfoot (Dactylisglomerata), meadow fescue (Festuca  pratensis) , Yorkshire  fog (Holcuslanatus).
3.     Tree  pollens Seasonal  allergic  rhinitis  occurring during  the  spring time  may  occur  following  exposure  to  tree  pollens  including birch, hazel , plane tree, ash  and  pine.
4.      Weed  pollens -includes  nettle , dock ,and mugwort  flower  in late  summer.
5.      Fungi  spores-  in late summer  and  autumn. Common  species includes Cladosporium, Alternaria , Aspergillus and  Basidiospores.
6.      Paradoxically, rainfall  may  provoke  an  initial  increase  in  spore  numbers.
7.      Perennial  allergic  rhinitis -  worldwide  the  commonest  cause  of  perennial  allergic  rhinitis  is  allergy  to –
House  dust  mite  species  including D.pteronysinnus , D. Farina  andEuroglyphusmaynei.
House dust  are  the  dominant  allergens  in  house  dust. The  optimalconditions  for  mite  growth  are  approximately  15-20  degree  Celsius, relative  humidity 60-70%. Mites  are  more  abundant   in  humid  homes. In  houses  the  bedroom  is  the  preferential  breeding  ground, particularly  the  mattress  where  abundant  food, in  the  form  of  human  skin  scales, is  present.Mites  also  flourish  in  the  pillow, bed  clothes, carpets, curtains and  soft  furnishings.The  major  allergens  of  house  dust  mite  have  been  identified  as  digestive  enzymes ( cysteine  proteases, group 1  allergens)  present  in  the  digestive  tract  and  excreted  in  mite  faeces.
Domestic  pets allergy  to  pests  is  also  a  common  cause  of  perennial  allergic  rhinitis- cats, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, gerbils,hamsters , horses and  cockroach.
1.      Occupational  allergens - Rhinitis  may  occur  as a  consequence  of  exposure  to  allergens  inhaled  in  the  workplace. Frequently, asthma  and  rhinitis  due  to  occupational  allergen  exposure  may  coexist  in  the  same  patient.
Common  biological  causes  include – flour (in  bakers, grain workers), laboratory  animals  including guinea pigs,  rats and  mice (in lab. Workers)  and  wood  dusts, biological  washingpowders( in  soap  powder  manufacturers) and  colophony (due  to the  emanations  of  soldier  flux in electronic  workers).
Latex  allergy – Recently  identified  allergen  is  latex. It  may provoke  rhinitis, asthma, urticaria and, occasionally, life  threatening  anaphylaxis. Susceptible  workers  include surgeons , nurses, dental nurses, other  health  workers and  patients  with  indwelling  latex  urinary  catheters (eg. Spina  bifida  patients). Other  chemicals causes  include  platinum salts and  drugs.
A.    Food  induced  rhinitis : food  may  occasionally  provoke  IgE- mediated  allergic  rhinitis.In  addition  to  IgE-mediated  mechanism, food  induced  rhinitis  may be  due  to  sensitivity  to  preservatives  such  as sulphites, benzoates  and  tartrazine.Histamine- containing  foods  such  as  cheese, poorlykept  fish  and  certainwinesmay  also  provoke ‘pseudo – allergic’  reactions  including  flushing, headache  and  rhinitis.Alcohol  may  provoke  nasal  congestion.
2.      Food  induced  allergic  rhinitis  is  more  common  in  children.
3.     Drug  induced  rhinitis :the  mechanism   of  drug- induced  rhinitis  is  largely  unknown. Following  drugs  can   cause  allergic  rhinitis:
Sensitivity  to  aspirin , NSAID’s , antihypertensive  drugs, topical  vasoconstrictors.
1.     Role  of  pollution :Nasal  hyper- reactivity  refers  to  heightened  sensitivity  of  the  nasal  mucosa  to  a  range  of  non-specific  irritants. Typical  irritants  include  perfumes, domestic  sprays, tobacco  smoke, traffic  fumes and  bleach.

There  is  no  age or sex  predilection. It  may  start  in  infants  as  young  as 6 months  or  older  people. Usually  the  onset  is  at  12-16  years of age.Effective  treatment  of  rhinitis  symptoms  depends  upon  accurate  clinical  diagnosis  and  assessment  of  the  patient’s  dominant  symptoms. In  general, the  diagnosis  of  allergic  rhinitis  is  straightforward  and  dependent  upon  the  clinical  history. However, the  aetiology  of  rhinitis  symptoms  is  frequently  multifactorial.A  careful  history, local  examination  of  the  nose  and   performance  of  skin-prick  tests  should  be  performed  in  all  patients  presenting  with  rhinitis  symptoms. Additional  tests  including  flexible  and  rigid  endoscopy, mucociliary  clearance  studies  and  immunological  tests  may  be  required  in  certain  circumstances.

A.    Seasonal  Rhinitis
1.      Sneezing - The  firstsymptom  of  the  hay  fever  season  is  usually  sneezing. In  severe  cases  paroxysms  of  sneezing  occur  at  frequent  intervals  throughout  the  day. Sneezing  is  probably  largely  due  to  histamine  release  acting  through  reflexes.
2.     Rhinorrhoea-  Excessive  fluid  and  mucous  secretion  is  believed  to  be  the  response  of  seromucus  glands  to  mast  cell/ basophil  derived  mediators.
3.     Nasal  obstruction or  blockage –is  the  result  of  vascular  engorgement  with  resulting  vasodilatation  and  oedema  formation.
4.     Itching  of  nose, eyes, and  palate – are  common  features  resulting  from  histamine and/or  neural  reflexes.
5.      Tearing , itching and  redness  of  the  eyes- together  with  some  degree  of  periorbital oedema  is  usual  in  hay fever.
6.     Other  symptoms- may  include  a  burning  or  raw  sensation in  the  throat  and  development  of  asthma  symptoms  such  as  wheezing  and  chest  tightness.
B .Perennial  Rhinitis
1.      The  symptoms  of  perennial  rhinitis  differ  from  seasonal  rhinitis  largely  as  a  result  of  long-standing nasal  mucosal  inflammation.
2.     Rhinorrhoea -  may  be  more  viscous  or  purulent  depending  on  the  degree  of  cellular  recruitment.
3.      Conjunctivitis- is  far  less  frequent  in  perennial  rhinitis.
4.     Loss  of  smell, taste and  associated  sinusitis or  Eustachian  tube  dysfunction.
5.      In  general, sneezing-  is  less  common  and  prolonged  continuous  symptoms  of  nasal  congestion  and  postnasal  drip  are  more  common.

A.    Nasal  signs -includes
1.      Transverse  nasal  crease -  a  black  line  across  the  middle  of  dorsum  of  nose  due  to  constant  upward  rubbing  of  nose  simulating  a  salute (allergic  salute).
2.      Pale  and  oedematous  nasal  mucosa  which  may  appear  bluish.
3.      Turbinates  are  swollen.
B.      Ocular  signsincludes
1.      Oedema of lids, congestion and cobble-stone  appearance  of  conjunctiva.
2.      Dark  circles  under  the  eyes (allergic  shiners)
3.      Increased  lachrymation  with  long  and  silky  eyelashes.
4.      Dennie- Moragan  lines (creases  in  the  lower eyelid skin) caused  by  venous  stasis  may  be  present.
C.    Otologic  signsincludes
1.      Retracted  tympanic  membrane  or  serous  otitis  media  as  a  result  of  Eustachian  tube  blockage.
2.     Eczematous  otitis  externa  may  be  present.
D.   Pharangeal  signs -  include  granular  pharyngitis  due  to  hyperplasia  of  sub  mucosal  lymphoid  tissue, which  are  also  termed  as “ cobblestoning”
E.    Laryngeal  signs include  hoarseness  of  voice  and  oedema  of  the  vocal  cords.
F.    Skin Atopic  dermatitis  may  be  sometimes  found  with  allergic  rhinitis.
G.    Mouth Mal- occlusion (overbite) A high  arched  palate, narrow  premaxilla  and  receding  chin  may  be  present  secondary  to  excessive  mouth  breathing.

Obtaining a full history and completing a physical examination accompanied with crucial tests are used to diagnose rhinitis in a patient who is complaining of upper airway issues. Additional laboratory, radiologic, and morphologic tests may be conducted if they are deemed essential.
To separate rhinitis from upper respiratory infections or other nasal problems, a complete history supplemented with particular questions, delivered in the form of either a structured oral interview or a written questionnaire, is required. The following items should be included in such a questionnaire: -
 Is there a history of atopy in your family?
 Is there a dominant nasal symptom, such as obstruction, sneezing, or nasal discharges, in the symptom profile?
 Are the nose issues isolated or do you have other symptoms as well?
 Are there any signals from other sections of the upper airways,that you should be aware of?
 Is there a history of bronchitis, eye disease, or dermatologic disease?
 What would you use to describe the symptoms, and what is the timeline for their onset?
 Are there any allergens in the house environment, such as bedding materials, pets?
 Are there any specific precipitating causes (pollen, for example)?
 Is there a connection between food and drink? Do any fresh fruits or veggies irritate your mouth?
 What medications are you now taking? Does any medication make symptoms worse?
 What are your job and leisure activities, especially those that worsen your symptoms?
Nasal obstruction, itching, sneezing fits, and increased nasal surface fluid are the classic symptoms, however the primary symptom varies from patient to patient. There is also a lot of diversity in how well nasal symptoms are tolerated by different people. Some individuals find a few episodes of sneezing bothersome, while others ignore the fact that their nasal canal is fully closed and seek medical help. When it comes to determining the severity of rhinitis, a complete symptom score registration may be beneficial.

    Pathogenesis difference leads to variability of symptoms of the major nasal symptoms. It is the result of a decrease in the tone of the capacitance vessels and, to a minor degree, tissue oedema. The increase in nasal surface liquid is the result of glandular activity, the leakage of plasma, and the increase in fluids from other sources, such as the conjunctiva.
Conjunctival  symptoms  of  itching  and  increase  in  tear  fluid  are  also  very  common  in  association  with  allergic  rhinitis: the  term  rhinoconjunctivitis  is  often  more  relevant.
Physical Examination
§  Several   facial  features  are  associated  with  the  various  symptoms  of  the  nasal  and  ocular  disease. These  include:
·         Allergic  shiners” -  infra  orbital  dark  circles, related  to  venus  plexus  engorgement.
·         Allergic  gape “  or  continuous  open-  mouth  breathing – a  result  of  nasal  blockage.
·         “Transversal  nasal  crease” – a result  of  frequent  upward  rubbing  of  the  nose ‘allergic  salute’ ; and
·         “Dental  malocclusion and  overbite”  resulting  from  long  standing  upper  airway  problems.
The  following  findings  should  be  noted:
o   Any  structural  deformities, such  as  septal  deviations- site  of  any  deformity  should  be  specified  and  the  presence  or  absence  of  polyps  should  be  recorded.
o   The  amount  and  the  condition  of  nasal  surface  liquids (e.g. watery , mucoid , or  purulent)
o   The  condition  of  mucous  membranes  and  the  colour , texture, and  signs  of  scars  and  lesions  should  be  specifically  evaluated – an  allergic  condition  might  be  indicated  by  the  traditional  bluish  tint
o   Unilateral  nasal  obstruction  may  also  indicate  a foreign  body.
E.Examination  of extranasal  regions
The eyes, ears, chest, and skin are some of the other areas that should be examined.
Patients with persistent rhinitis should have their medical history collected to rule out asthma, their chest inspected, and some type of lower respiratory tract functional measurement, such as peak flow or spirometry, performed.
Because otitis media and middle ear effusions might occur more frequently in children with allergic rhinitis, the ears should be examined thoroughly, with a focus on any middle ear pathology. The otomicroscope is the ideal tool for this. A tympanometric examination can also be beneficial. Atopic skin illnesses may manifest themselves more frequently, so the doctor should check for urticaria or eczematous lesions.
Atopic  skin  diseases  also  may  occur  with  increased  frequency,  so  the  physician  should  check  for  urticaria  or  eczematous  lesions.
D.  Additional  tests
1.     Tests  for  the  presence  of  allergy-
a.      Skin  tests- help  to  identify  specific  allergen. They  areprick, scratch  and  intra- dermal  tests. Skin  tests are  preferred  to  scratch  or  intra- dermal  tests  which  are  less  reproducible, more  dangerous  and  may  give  false-positive  response.
b.     Blood  tests-
·         Total  and  differential  count- to  determine  blood  eosinophils. High  level  indicate Atopy  (predisposition to  develop  allergic  disorders ).
·         RAST (Radio allegro-sorbent test) -  is  an  in-vitro  test  and  indicates  the  presence  of  a  specific  IgE  to  any  of  the  more  common  airborn  allergens.
·         Serum IgE  level- high  level  indicates  atopy.
2.      Nasal  challenge-
Nasal  challenge  can  be  used  to  test  for specific  as  well  non-specific  reactivity.  Non-specific  reactivity  may  be  tested  using  methacholine  and  histamine  as  the  challenge  agents. The  test  for  specific  reactivity  involves  the  application  of  the  specific  allergens  to  the  nasal  mucosa.
3.     Cytologic  studies-
To  assess  the  severity  of  the  disease, or  to  elucidate  whether  the  upper  airway  disease  is  of  allergic  origin, examination  of  the  cytology  of  the  upper  airway  mucosa  is  required. Techniques  arenasal  smear  and  biopsy. 
The  main  focus  is  on  to  demonstrate  the  presence  or  absence  of  eosinophils. The  presence  of  eosinophils  is  a  sign  of  active  inflammatory  disease  of  allergic  origin.
1.     Radiology-
Radiographic  studies  needed  to  establish  the  evaluating  possible  structural  abnormalities  or  to  help to  detect  complications  or  co-morbid  conditions  such  as  sinusitis  or  adenoid  hypertrophy.
a.       A plain  radiography  of  the  sinus  region.
b.      A lateral  view  of  neck.
c.       Computed  tomography( CT) scan.

1.      Bronchial  asthma
2.      Recurrent  sinusitis
3.      Serous otitis  media
4.      Nasal  polypi

1.       Avoidance  of  allergens: this  is  most  successful  if  the  antigen  involved  single.  Removal  of  pet  from  the  house, encasing  the  pillow  or  mattress  with  plastic  sheets, change  of  place  of  work  for  some  times change  of  job  may  be  required.  A  particular  food  article  to  which  the  patient  is  found  allergic  can  be  eliminated  from  the  diet.
2.      Treatment  with  drugs :
a.     Antihistaminics
b.     Sympathomimetic  drugs (oral  or  tropical) 
c.      Corticosteroids
a.      Sodium  chromoglycate

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann was the first person to introduce Homoeopathy to the world of medicine.
The Law of Similars, which has been recognized since Hippocrates' time and is also noted in ancient Hindu literature, is the foundation of homoeopathy. However, it took more than 200 years for Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician, to completely grasp, implement, and integrate the Law of Similars into a comprehensive therapeutic system.
In his book "The Organon of Medicine," Hahnemann discusses the principles of Homoeopathy, which include the spiritual genesis of illness and the medications needed to heal it. Organon's Aphorisms 9 and 16 in particular deal with this subject. Homoeopathy is a holistic healing technique that blends science and spirituality.
Allergic  rhinitis  is  one  of  the  disease  that  can  be  cured  completely  and  permanently  only  with  the  help  of  Homoeopathy.There  is  special  mention  about  allergic  diseases  in  homoeopathic  literatures  under  the  heading  IDIOSYNCRASY. Dr.Hahnemann  defined  idiosyncrasy  in  his  famous  book  Organon  of  Medicine  as  “Idiosyncrasies  by  which  are  meant  peculiar  corporeal  constitutions  which  although  otherwise  healthy, posses  a  disposition  to  be  brought  into  a  more  or  less  morbid  state  by  certain  things  which   seems  to  produce  no  impression  and  no  change  in  many  other  individuals”.
Allergic responses and idiosyncracies have similar manifestations. Both of these reactions are hypersensitive. An idiosyncratic person is hypersensitive to one or a few items and does not need treatment because they are healthy, while allergic illnesses are caused by morbid susceptibility.
Successful homoeopathic prescribing necessitates a thorough case taking to determine the progression of the disease, its relationship to the patient's life condition, and the presence of specific symptoms. According to Hahnemann, an individual's constitution is what causes them to become unwell in the first place. The goal of treatment should be to improve the patient's constitution so that their sensitivity, which has deteriorated, can be repaired or brought back into normal range. It has been proven, verified, and confirmed that providing a child with appropriate constitutional treatment for a period of time enhances the child's constitution. As time passes, the attacks grow less frequent and less severe. By using a constitutional strategy, we can prevent the complaint from reoccurring by altering the changed susceptibility.
Miasmatic  classification  of  Allergic Rhinitis[13]:-
·        A hypersensitive sensitivity to different things such as dust, particular meals, or even strain causes a Psoric recurrent cold. Sneezing, a runny nose, and fatigue, with or without a fever, are all symptoms. It gets back on its feet without effort. The cough will be dry and spasmodic, with minimal expectoration, and it will become better with rest and heat.
·         In the long term, the Sycotic kind of reoccurring cold may lead to chest congestion and asthma. There may be a loss of smell, sneezes in youngsters, and a dry rattling cough that occurs after a brief exposure to the cold. The process of recuperation is gradual.
·         The tubercular kind of recurrent cold will result in repeated infections of the tonsils and lymph nodes. A deep cough with purulent greenish yellow expectoration, post-nasal drip, thick catarrhal discharge, haemorrhages, and a post-nasal drip are all potential signs. Overheating and nighttime (sunset to dawn) aggravate the condition, while nose bleeds and cold application relieve it. As a consequence of this, there will be prostration. Here, recurrence will be frequent, and recovery will be partial.
·         It can cause ulcerations of the nasal septum, glands, and other tissues during the Syphilitic stage. It will be difficult to recover.

1.)  ALLIUM CEPA"Coryza copious, watery, and acrid with profuse, bland lachrymation", worse in a hot room and later in the evening, better in the open air. Sneezing, particularly when entering a hot environment.
2.)  AMBROSIA"Lachrymation and incessant itching of the eyes." Watery coryza, sneezing, and epistaxis. In the nose and head, there is a stuffy sensation.
3.)  ARALIA  RACEMOSASneezing on a regular basis. Draughts irritate greatly. Sneezing and abundant watery, excoriating nasal discharge with a salty bitter flavor are caused by the least circulation of air.
4.)    ARSENIC  ALBUM"There is a lot of restlessness, and pain moves about a lot." Fear of dying and being left alone. "Extreme weariness after the tiniest effort." Acrid lachrymation and a burning discomfort in the eyes. Nasal discharge that is thin, watery, and excoriating. The bridge of my nose had become clogged. Sneezing and sneezing and sneezing and patient has a lot of thirst and drinks a lot of water, but just a little at a time. Worse in the middle of the day and at night; better with warmth and warm liquids.
5.)  SABADILLAChilliness, cold sensitivity Lachrymation has made my eyelids red and burning. With a runny nose and spasmodic sneezing. Dryness of the mouth and throat. Warm food may be swallowed more readily.
6.)  HEPAR  SULPHUR:  Physically and intellectually, patient is very sensitive to all sensations. Even in warmer weather, he must have his face bundled up since he is very sensitive to chilly air. Nasal congestion caused by catarrh. When exposed to a cold, dry breeze, he sneezes. A splinter sensation in the throat. Suppuration may result from very minor injuries.
7.)  EUPHRASIAAcrid lachrymation and bland coryza in abundance. Eyes are constantly watering and agglutinated in the morning. Coryza in the morning with a strong cough and a lot of expectoration, aggravated by exposure to the south wind in the evening.

8.)  LEMNA  MINORPolyps in the nose; enlarged turbinates. Atrophic rhinitis is a kind of atrophic rhinitis. Nasal blockage causes asthma. Nose emits a foul odor. There are a lot of crusts and mucopurulent discharge. Nasal leaking thereafter. When you wake up in the morning, you have a sour taste in your mouth. It's much worse when it's raining heavily and it's moist.
9.)   KALI  BICHROMICUM"Tough, stringy mucus that sticks to the parts and may be dragged into long threads" is discharged from all mucous membranes.[14] Pain in little places, which may be covered by the tip of the finger, and which shifts fast. Pain at the root of the nose; plugs, or "clinkers," are discharged. Coryza accompanied with a nasal blockage. Sneezing with venom. Oedematous uvula, bladder-like. When it's hot outside, it's much worse.
10.)    SAMBUCUS  NIGRA Infants with dry coryza sneeze; nose is dry and clogged. When a kid is breastfeeding, he or she must let go of the nipples, which causes the nose to get blocked and the youngster to be unable to breathe. "The child wakes up, almost suffocating, stands up, and becomes blue." It cannot be said to have expired. "During awake hours, sweat profusely all over body."


1.  Scott-Brown’s  Otolaryngology- 6th  edition, volume 4- Rhinology , Chapter 6, Page- 4/6/1

2.  Scott-Brown’s  Otolaryngology- 6th  edition, volume 4- Rhinology , Chapter 6, Page- 4/6/1

3.  Allergic rhinitis and  its impact on asthma – ARIA, 2007, page no. 4

4.  Allergic rhinitis  and its impact  on  asthma- ARIA, 2007,page no. 2

5.  P.L Dhingra    Diseases  of  Ear, Nose  and  Throat, 5th edition  Chapter  30 , page 180 – 181

6.  P.L Dhingra Diseases of Ear, Nose, Throat, 5th edition, chapter 30, page 180

7. Scott- Brown’s  Otolaryngology- 6th  edition, volume 4- Rhinology, Chapter 6, Page -4/6/2 to 4/6/4

8. Scott- Brown’s  Otolaryngology- 6th  edition, volume 4- Rhinology, Chapter 6, Page -4/6/8

9. P.L Dhingra Diseases  of  Ear, Nose  and Throat,5th edition  Chapter 30,page 181

10.Scott- Brown’s  Otolaryngology- 6th  edition, volume 4- Rhinology, Chapter 6, Page -4/6/9-4/6/10

11.P.L.Dhingra diseases  of  Ear, Nose and Throat, 5th edition , Chapter 30, page 182

12.Boericke W. , Pocket  Manual  of  Homoeopathic  Materia Medica


14.H.C. Allen, Allen's Keynotes and Characteristics with Comparisons

KNOW Homoeopathy Journal

Volume-1 | Issue-1 | October-2021

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Dr. Ruchi Sharma, Allergic Rhinitis & It’s Homoeopathic Approach, Vol.1 & Issue 1, KNOW Homoeopathy Journal, Pages 45 to 59 ( 19 October 2021), available at

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