Bi-Annual, Indexed, Double Blind, Peer-Reviewed Research Scholarly Online Journal In Field of Homoeopathy.

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Message from Editor - Dr Sonia Tuteja

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KNOW Homoeopathy Journal

E-ISSN: 2583-2158

Bi-Annual, Indexed, Double Blind, Peer-Reviewed, Research Scholarly Online Journal in Field of Homoeopathy

MESSAGE From Editor

Prof. Dr. Sonia Tuteja

BHMS, MD, PhD (Hom)

Professor - Materia Medica, Homoeopathy University, Jaipur, Rajasthan,India.

KNOW Homoeopathy Journal (e-ISSN: 2583-2158)

Welcome to the Second Volume of KNOW Homoeopathy Peer-Reviewed journal

First of all, I must thank the author, researchers and the readers for the overwhelming response received for the first volume.

As we all know, writing for a peer review journal is an important part of the career for homoeopathic researchers. Peer-reviewed scientific publications are the predominant method today for disseminating and achieving scientific advances. KNOW Homoeopathy peer-reviewed Journal aims to provide an opportunity to all the authors, academicians, researchers and scholars of homoeopathy to share their knowledge. It is an exceptional platform for all the homoeopaths to present their papers, case reports, recent advancements and evidence-based case series.

I hope you will enjoy reading this issue. I can assure the contributors and readers will learn a lot from this sharing, and I can undoubtedly say that this issue will help in enhancing the knowledge in the homoeopathic field.

I wish all the best to the editorial team.

Prof. Dr. Sonia Tuteja

KNOW Homoeopathy Journal (e-ISSN: 2583-2158)

© 2021-24 KNOW Homoeopathy Journal