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A case report on allergic rhinitis

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KNOW Homoeopathy Journal Vol–2 & Issue-2, 18 October 2022, Published at, Pages: 127 to 136, Title: A case report on allergic rhinitis, Authored By: Dr. Rajeev Khanna (Former H.O.D. and Professor, Department of Pharmacy, Swasthya Kalyan Homoeopathic Medical College and Research Centre, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India) & Co-Authored By: Dr. Neelima Singh (Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacy, PG Guide, Swasthya Kalyan Homoeopathic Medical College and Research Centre, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.) & Dr. Chesta Singh ( MD Part II, Department of Pharmacy, Swasthya Kalyan Homoeopathic Medical College and Research Centre, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India) 

Title: A case report on allergic rhinitis

Authored By:- Dr. Rajeev Khanna [1] & Co-Authored by: Dr. Neelima Singh [2] & Dr. Chesta Singh [3]

[1] Former HoD and Professor, Department of Pharmacy, Swasthya Kalyan Homoeopathic Medical College and Research Centre, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

[2] Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacy, PG Guide, Swasthya Kalyan Homoeopathic Medical College and Research Centre, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

[3] MD part II, Department of Pharmacy, Swasthya Kalyan Homoeopathic Medical College and Research Centre, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

Received: 30/08/2022        Accepted: 15/09/2022     Published: 18/10/2022

© 2022 KNOW Homoeopathy Journal

How to cite this article:

Khanna R, Singh N, Singh C. A case report on allergic rhinitis. KNOW Homoeopathy Journal, 2022; 2(2):127-136, available at


“Allergic Rhinitis is a disorder of upper respiratory tract infection in which there is an inflammation of nasal mucosa caused by specific allergen with common episodes of nasal congestion, itching and watering of eyes, nasal itching, sneezing, sometimes with fever, malaise and headache. The homoeopathic literature shows successful management in cases of respiratory ailments such as allergic rhinitis, nasal polyps, sinusitis, cough, bronchitis, asthma, hay-fever and more on. A 39 years old male reported with a complain  of chronic allergic rhinitis  having symptoms of watery discharges from eyes and nose with itching and irritation,allergic to dust  and sneezing in the morning off and on since two to three years. After successful repertorization, single medicine Sulphur was given in 30th potency and thus good results were obtain from a single homoeopathic medicine with a proper follow up of the patient.”

Keywords: Allergic Rhinitis, Sulphur, Homoeopathy


Allergic rhinitis is defined as an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, caused by an allergen such as pollens, dust, fumes, contactants, animal hairs, mites etc. There are mainly two types of allergic rhinitis:

1.      Seasonal allergic rhinitis

2.      Perennial allergic rhinitis

Seasonal allergic rhinitis mainly occurs in a particular season while Perennial allergic rhinitis present throughout the year. The antigens from seasonal allergic rhinitis include pollens from grasses, flowers, weeds or trees. The commonest type of seasonal allergic rhinitis in northern Europe is Grass pollen which is responsible for Hay fever, which is mainly present between May and July. The antigens for Perennial allergic rhinitis may be derived from house dust, spores or animal dander, mites or by physical or chemical irritants like strong perfumes, sprays, contactants, ingestants like milk products, eggs, fish etc. and by some iatrogenic drugs like aspirin, sulphonamides etc. Cold air and dry atmosphere may be responsible as a causative factor. In seasonal type of allergic rhinitis, there are frequent attacks of sneezing, with profuse watery nasal discharge and nasal obstruction. These attacks last for a few hours and are often accompanied by smarting and watering of the eyes and conjunctival infection. In perennial rhinitis, the symptoms are similar and generally less severe. The symptoms for hay- fever develop by amount of pollens available in the air. Hot and dry weather are more likely to have a lot of pollens in the air while in cool and rainy season, the pollens washed to the ground. If both the parents or a single parent is allergic to such reactions, probably the chances increases of the child too for the disease to occur. Homoeopathy plays an important role to prevent such type of allergies by boosting the immunity of patient to fight with such infections by providing him the right constitutional or anti-miasmatic remedy according to the symptom similarity.


PRESENT COMPLAINT: A male Patient age of 39years,dark-complexioned skin reported to the outpatient department(OPD) of SKHMC,Jaipur on 30thSeptember  2020 with symptoms of watery,non-acrid,non-burning nasal discharge, and few discharges from eyes especially in the morning,watery,irritating, non-thicky, non-sticky with burning sensation and red appearance of both the eye balls.The patient also had throat pain which is aggravated after swallowing liquidonly, relieved by warm drinks in general.His nose feels obstructed whenever he gets cold and coryza on exposure to cold air.His appetite diminished since few days.He was allergic to dust, causes sneezing to him.

CLINICAL FINDINGS& REPORTS: Nasal congestion,allergic shiners, throat clearing and red eyes were found. The CBC Report done on 30th January, 2021 was within normal limits.

(Hb= 12.30 gm/dl, TLC=4200/cumm, RBC Count= 4.6 millions/ cumm, platelet count = 1.89 lakh/cmm)

HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Complaints begin 5-6 years back with low stamina to do his daily routine job.Symptoms of nasal congestion and sneezing started first with mild fever with the change of weather followed by itching around eyes and red eye. He was also having slight breathing difficulty in initial days.

HISTORY OF PAST TREATMENT:Patient took Homoeopathic treatment since 1 year and had on conventional treatment a year before.

HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS: Patient having history of typhoid and jaundice 20 years back, took allopathic treatment for 9 months and then suffered with lung effusion and treated accordingly with allopathic medicines.

FAMILY HISTORY: Father had a history of mycobacterium tuberculosis infection of right lung at the age when he was 47 and his mother also had lung infectious disease earlier and she is no more.

PHYSICAL GENERALS: Patient having desire for spicy food and non veg every week.He had aversion to burger and noodles.He was thirsty,had thirst for large quantity at every hour.His appetite was diminished since few days.The urine output was fine.He was addicted for cigarette and sometimes he drunk also.

MENTALS: The patient is extrovert,smoothly share his views about his sufferings.He response quickly on questions asked to him during case taking.Patient likes social interaction with people around him.He had dreams of friends and relative occasionally.The anger is generally not present, if it comes,it goes suddenly.



Ø  Patient is Extroverted,likes to interact with people.

Ø  Quick response to questions asked to the patient during case taking.

Ø  Anger-Not very much, comes and go suddenly.

Ø  Dreams of friends and relative in general.


Ø  Desire for spicy food,take non-veg every week.

Ø  Aversion to buerger,noodles.

Ø  Thirst for large quantity at every hour.

Ø  Appetite: Diminished since few days.2 meals, 2 chapati in day and one in night.

Ø  Urine: no burning, 4 to 5 times a day and no micturition at night.

Ø  Addictions: cigarette, occasionally drink also.


Ø  EYES:Eyes were redespecially in morning hours with mild itching and watery discharge.

Ø  HEAD:Mild headache during cough & cold.

Ø  NOSE: Obstruction of nose after getting cold and coryza in every change of weather.

Ø  FACE: Face shows hyperpigmentation on both cheeks and forehead.


§  Quick response to questions asked.

§  Patient likes interaction, communicative.

§  Thirst for large quantity of water at short interval.

§  Desire for spicy and delicious food.

§  Low appetite since few days.

§  Mild itching in eyes with red appearance(especially duringcoryza).

§  Constant coryza of nose with obstruction whenever he gets cold & coryza.

§  Pain in throat if swallowing liquids only with irritation in morning.

§  Throat pain relieved by warmth in general.


§  Patient respond quickly to questions asked

§  Patient is interactive and communicative.

§  Thirst for large quantity of water at short interval.

§  Desire for spicy and delicious food.

§  Appetite low since few days.

§  Itching in eyes with red appearance.

§  Constant coryza of nose with obstruction whenever he gets cold & coryza.

§  Pain in throat if swallowing liquids only with irritation in morning.

§  Throat pain relieved by warmth in general.




Ø  STOMACH-THIRST-large quantities,for-often;and



Ø  EYE-ITCHING-coryza,during


Ø  NOSE-CORYZA-cough-with

Ø  NOSE-OBSTRUCTION-cold after every




Ø  THROAT-PAIN-warmth in general-amel


Figure 1-Repertorial Chart



Arsenic album:12/7


Heper Sulph:11/5


Sulphur [3]on the basis of symptom similarity by using synthesis repertory. Due to irregular circulation, the redness of eyelids and itching along with coryza is the prominent feature of Sulphur. The patient is always irritable, thin and weak. The patient also had throat pain while swallowing liquids and yellow discharges from nose.


Sulphur 30 4pills/1D stat

Rubrum 30 4pills/tds/7 days

Follow up after 7 days.


CONCLUSION: Clinical decision-making is based on a holistic view of the patient rather than the disease. In this case report, Patient took homoeopathic medicines for about 14 months for allergic rhinitis. He got relief in the symptoms of allergic rhinitis by giving a single remedy selected on the basis of totality of symptoms. [4] It was followed by change of medicine in acute prescription if needed. Thus, we can see the potential of Homoeopathy in treating such cases by improving patient’s immunity to fight against those allergens which annoy him to perform his daily routine tasks.



1.      Davidson. Principles and Practice of medicine. 21st ed.: Libros de Medicina.

2.      Cox DR WSB. Allergy and immunology of the upper airway, Cummings Otolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery Philadelphia; 2021.

3.      Schroyens F. Repertorium Homoeopathicum Syntheticum. 91st ed. New Delhi: B Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd.; 2014.

4.      Dudgeon RE. Totality of Symptoms, Aphorism 7, Organon of Medicine. 5th ed. New Delhi: Mayur Jain; 2003.

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