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Accuracy of 10 Ws in homoeopathic case taking – Book review

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KNOW Homoeopathy Journal Vol–3 & Issue-1, 15 March 2023, Published at, Pages: 46 to 47 , Title: Accuracy of 10 Ws in homoeopathic case taking – Book review, Authored By: Dr. Samridhi Sharma (BHMS-Swasthya Kalyan Homoeopathic Medical College & Research Centre, Sitapura, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.)


            BOOK REVIEW                    


Title: Accuracy of 10 Ws in homoeopathic case taking – Book review

Authored By: Dr. Samridhi Sharma

BHMS-Swasthya Kalyan Homoeopathic Medical College & Research Centre, Sitapura, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

Received: 31/12/2022                        Accepted: 08/02/2023                                   Published: 15/03/2023         

  © 2023 KNOW Homoeopathy Journal

How to cite this article:

Sharma S. Accuracy of 10 Ws in homoeopathic case taking – Book review, KNOW Homoeopathy Journal, 2023; 3(1):46-47, available at

Book Author : Dr. Sunil Anand       

Language : English

Published by : B Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd

Publication Date: 30 August 2022

Price : INR 395

Pages : 352

ISBN : 978-81-319-2606-2


Important book not only for clinicians but also for students.

Answers three important questions

1.      How to decide potency for the particular case.

2.      How to deal a particular case of any disease.

3.      How to deal pediatric case.

This is complete book which contains the essence of organon, pharmacy, repertory and material medica.

It also highlights important parts of case taking.

It contains cases of different age groups of child.

Cases of different approaches that how to deal acute case, How to deal chronic with acute exacerbation, How to deal chronic case.

There are 3 Additions to 7 Ws of Boenninghausen which are as follows

1.      First one is “To Observe.” Watch out for subjective as well as objective symptoms.

2.      Second one is “Which kingdom.”

3.      Third one is “What intensity, pace and pathology that is going to give you potency of case.”

It contains a total of 9 chapters.

Chapter One deals with “Introduction” which contains delusion and reality examples. The problem in reality which the patient perceives in a different way, which is termed as delusion. These delusion rubrics were searched in repertory which indicates particular medicine.

Chapter-2 A named “Objective and Subjective Symptoms” which consists of explanation of objective, subjective symptoms and also how totality is framed. It also contains a chart which comprises of some explanation of objective and subjective symptoms along with suggestive homoeopathic remedy.

Chapter 2 B named “Subjective and Objective Homoeopathy” consist of 5 cases illustrates how the subjective and objective symptoms leads to proper selection of medicine after repertorization it through different repertories.

Chapter 3 A, 3 B deals with “acute cases and acute exacerbation of chronic case.”

Chapter 4 A deals with what actually the “10 Ws of Case Taking” are??? First it explains 7 Ws of Boenninghausen starting from Quis to Quando. Next, the three additions by Author, total of both constitutes 10 Ws, with which the book titled.

Then there is illustration of case with this 10 Ws concept and how to work over the case with this concept.

Starting from chapter 4 to 6 deals with different cases.

Chapter 7 named “Drug Remedies” deals with medicine active ingredients, themes with examples of cases in between.

Chapter 8 named “Drug Proving” which deals with why remedy chosen for proving and analysis of the cases of medicine with Ws Approach.

Chapter 9 Acknowledges the Mentors.

If I provides you gist of book it is in this single line “How you have to take a case and how you will prescribe to the particular case.” 

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