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Effectiveness of homoeopathy in treatment of influenza – A study

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KNOW Homoeopathy Journal Vol–3 & Issue-1, 15 March 2023, Published at, Pages: 9 to 13 , Title: Effectiveness of homoeopathy in treatment of influenza-A study, Authored By: Dr. Sunil Anand (Honorary Advisor-KNOW Homoeopathy Journal, Co-founder Anand wellness, Canada & India, Honorary teaching faculty at Ontario college of homoeopathic medicine , Toronto, Canada, Honorary teaching faculty at Northwestern academy of homoeopathy, Minnepolis, USA, Honorary teaching faculty at the Other song academy, Mumbai, India, Associate professor-D S Homoeopathic Medical College, Pune, India. )



Effectiveness of homoeopathy in treatment of influenza – A study

Dr. Sunil Anand
Honorary Advisor, KNOW Homoeopathy Journal
Co-founder Anand wellness, Canada & India
Honorary teaching faculty at Ontario college of homoeopathic medicine , Toronto, Canada
Honorary teaching faculty at Northwestern academy of homoeopathy, Minnepolis, USA
Honorary teaching faculty at the Other song academy, Mumbai, India
Associate professor-D S Homoeopathic Medical College, Pune, India

Email ID:

Received: 11/02/2023                                                                                         Published: 15/03/2023         

  © 2023 KNOW Homoeopathy Journal

How to cite this article:

Anand S, Effectiveness of homoeopathy in treatment of influenza-A study, KNOW Homoeopathy Journal,2023;3(1):9-13, available at


BACKGROUND: Influenza symptoms comprises fever, nasal discharge, sore throat, bodyache, headache, cough & general debility. As the outbreaks were seen more commonly during weather changes and patients treated with homoeopathy along with symptom enlistment were shown here.

METHODS: This article reviews common indicated remedies with symptoms for influenza. A total of 86 patients were treated from 22 November 2022 to 23 January 2023 at two different clinics i.e. Mumbai (56 patients) & Pune (30 patients). 13 remedies found to be commonly indicated in the mass treated for influenza.

RESULTS: 10 remedies were found to be indicated commonly in the mass. 15 patients were treated with Arsenicum Album, 8 patients were treated with Antimonium Arsenicosum, 8 patients were treated with Belladonna, 7 patients were treated with Bryonia Alba, 5 patients are treated with Drosera, 1 patient was treated with Gelsemium, 15 patients were treated with Hepar Sulph, 4 patients were treated with Nux Vomica, 19 patients were treated with Pulsatilla, 4 patients were treated with Spongia.

CONCLUSION: The study concludes that homoeopathic medicines have potential in treatment of influenza. As the study is conducted on only two places so further such studies are needed at different locations.

 Keywords: Influenza, H1N1, H5N1, Influenza homoeopathy, Homoeopathy


Seasonal influenza viruses are acute respiratory infections that can result in serious illness or death, especially in high-risk populations including the very young, the elderly, pregnant women, healthcare professionals, and those with major medical problems.

Acute symptoms of seasonal influenza include a high temperature, sore throat, runny nose, headache, muscle and joint discomfort, and a severe malaise.  The cough can linger for two weeks or more.[1]


10 homoeopathic medicines Arsenicum album, Antimonium arsenicosum, Belladonna, Bryonia alba, Drosera, Gelsemium, Hepar sulph, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, & Spongia were given to 86 patients of Mumbai & Pune orally after clinically diagnosing symptoms.


Influenza incubation period is 1–4 days, most commonly 1–2 days. Symptoms including  fever, chills, headaches, muscleache, a feeling of discomfort, loss of appetite, lack of energy fatigue, and confusion. These symptoms are usually accompanied by respiratory symptoms such as a dry cough, sore or dry throat, hoarse voice, and a stuffy or runny nose. Coughing is the most common symptom.[2]

Gastrointestinal symptoms may also occur, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and gastroenteritis, especially in children. The standard influenza symptoms typically last for 2–8 days. A 2021 study reveals COVID & Influenza cause long lasting symptoms.[3]

Infected individuals can transmit viruses through breathing, talking, coughing, and sneezing. Transmission through contact with a person, bodily fluids, or intermediate objects (fomites) can also occur. Influenza is usually transmissible from one day before the onset of symptoms to 5–7 days after symptoms onset.[4]

The virus can remain shed in healthy persons for up to three days. The virus may be spread for several weeks in children and others with impaired immune systems.[5]

Whereas influenza viruses that infect the lower respiratory tract, like H5N1, tend to produce more severe disease but are less communicable, those that infect the upper respiratory tract, like H1N1, tend to be more mild but more transmissible. Swabs taken from nose, throat to detect viral antigen.

Treatment includes Neuraminidase inhibitors. Antiviral drugs are currently resistant to virus.[6]

Homoeopathy showed effectiveness in treatment of influenza.[7] Below mentioned indications of individual remedies collected from patients and treated effectively.


A/F cold weather, cold food and drinks, alcohol abuse

Periodic fevers, extreme exhaustion as if from septic infections, associated with anxiety and restlessness

Burning pains – Burning in the eyes, nose, throat, stomach etc

Thirst increased, drinks frequently but in small quantity/sips as drinking causes nausea and retching

Allergic sneezing +++, runny nose with burning sensation

Cough asthmatic/suffocative, scanty expectoration, worse midnight, worse lying on the back

Better heat, better warm drinks, better from head elevated


Wet cough with profuse expectoration, severe breathlessness, wheezing and rales +++

<lying down

< eating

Wants to lie down which aggravates

+++ Restlessness

Thirst ++



A/F - head getting wet, draft of air

First stage of infection

Fever accompanied with throbbing headache

< light, noise

Thirstlessness with fever

Burning pain in throat especially right sided agg on swallowing

Sensation of lump in throat with constant inclination to swallow.

Inflammed throat with tonsils enlarged.

Tickling dry cough at night. Child cries before cough

Irritability and acuteness of senses


A/F sudden change from cold to hot weather

Slow onset and gradual progress of symptoms

Fever with intense muscle and joint pains

Dry painful cough++ with pain in chest

Dry cough associated with headache, coughing aggravates the headache

All aches and pains including headache better with tight bandaging or pressure

Respiratory complaints associated with constipation

Thirst increased for cold water

Posterior yellow coating of tongue

Desire to rest

All complaints better by rest and agg least motion

Irritable, aversion to being disturbed or asked questions, yet continues with his business

5.     DROSERA

Lingering viral cough not responding to other indicated remedies.

Spasmodic Dry cough more at night on lying down. Has to sit up

Dryness or irritation in throat causing cough. Hoarseness of voice with cough.

Deep cough causing pain in chestchest and vomiting

< talking, singing, laughing

> open air


A/F Anxiety (exams, interview), emotional excitement or fright, Cold damp weather

Fever with shaking chills, especially up and down the spine, Feeling weak and dizzy

Dullness, heaviness and soreness of the body

Clouded thinking, disoriented feeling, can’t focus when asked questions

Clumsy, Drowsiness, can’t get enough sleep

Heaviness of eyelids, pain in the back of the head, Thirstless, Profuse runny nose, dryness and

roughness of the throat, dry cough


A/ F - cold dry winds, eating or drinking cold thing

Sharp pain in throat < swallowing.

Pain extending to ears especially on swallowing

Sensation as of mucus or lump in throat.

Dry hacking cough. Cough with choking ; has to rise up and bend head backwards

Cough with much rattling in chest but cannot expectorate

Yellowish expectoration

< least uncovering, cold room

Thermally chilly


A/F Over work, insufficient sleep, stimulating spicy food and drinks

Very irritable, sensitive to noises

Fluent coryza with sneezing in the daytime, stuffy nose at night, alternate nostril blocked, scraped raw

sensation in the throat

Cough with bursting headache and fullness of stomach, cannot tolerate tight clothing

Fever with violent chills < least uncovering

Associated with gastric derangement, bloating, sharp cramping pains and ineffectual desire to vomit/move the bowels/pass urine


A/ F - ice cream, fatty food

Thick yellowish discharge from nose. Noseblock with frontal pains.

Cough < at night. Has to sit up in bed.

Greenish yellow expectoration

Dryness of mouth and lips with Thirstlessness

Involuntary urination when coughing

Weeping, clinginess in children

Fears to be alone, wants sympathy

> open air < warm room

> lying with head high, erect posture


A/ F - Mental excitement

Dryness and tickling in throat causing cough. Cough with hoarseness.

Cough - hollow, barking wakes the patient up

Burning pain in chest with cough

Pain in throat with constant Inclination to swallow

Weeping with cough

Cough < inspiration, sweets, cold drinks

< warm room, singing, talking

 > warm drinks


10 remedies were found to be indicated commonly in the mass. 15 patients were treated with Arsenicum Album, 8 patients were treated with Antimonium Arsenicosum, 8 patients were treated with Belladonna, 7 patients were treated with Bryonia Alba, 5 patients are treated with Drosera, 1 patient was treated with Gelsemium, 15 patients were treated with Hepar Sulph, 4 patients were treated with Nux Vomica, 19 patients were treated with pulsatilla, 4 patients were treated with spongia.


The study concludes that homoeopathic medicines have potential in treatment of influenza. As the study is conducted on only two places so further such studies are needed at different locations to establish strong evidences.




1. Influenza (seasonal) [Internet]. Available from:

2. Krammer F, Smith GJ, Fouchier RA, Peiris M, Kedzierska K, Doherty PC, et al. Influenza. Nature Reviews Disease Primers [Internet]. 2018;4(1). Available from:

3.Triggle N. People also suffer “long flu”, study shows. BBC [Internet]. 2021 Sep 28; Available from:

4. Ghebrehewet S, Macpherson P, Ho A. Influenza. The BMJ [Internet]. 2016;355. Available from:

5. Dharmapalan D. Influenza. Influenza" Indian Journal of Pediatrics [Internet]. 2020;87(10):828–32. Available from:

6.Influenza (seasonal) [Internet]. Available from:

7. Boericke W., Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia medica with Indian medicine and Repertory; 9th revised and enlarge edition; indian books and Periodical publishers: Delhi, 2013


A/F – Ailments from

< - Aggravation

> - Amelioration

+ - Intensity of Symptoms

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