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Explore the area of research in homoeopathic pharmacy: A review

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KNOW Homoeopathy Journal Vol–3 & Issue-1, 15 March 2023, Published at, Pages: 26 to 29 , Title: Explore the area of research in homoeopathic pharmacy: A review Authored By: Dr. Nupur ( MD Part II, Department of Pharmacy, Swasthya Kalyan Homoeopathic Medical College and Research Centre, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India) & Co-Authored By: Dr. Neelima Singh (Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacy, PG Guide, Swasthya Kalyan Homoeopathic Medical College and Research Centre, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.)



Title: Explore the area of research in homoeopathic pharmacy: A review

                                          Authored By: Dr. Nupur[1] & Co-Authored By: Dr. Neelima Singh[2]

[1] MD Part II, Department of Pharmacy, Swasthya Kalyan Homoeopathic Medical College and Research Centre, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.


[2] Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacy, PG Guide, Swasthya Kalyan Homoeopathic Medical College and Research Centre, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

Received: 31/12/2022                        Accepted: 08/02/2023                                   Published: 15/03/2023         

  © 2023 KNOW Homoeopathy Journal

How to cite this article:

Nupur, Singh N. Explore the area of research in homoeopathic pharmacy: A review, KNOW Homoeopathy Journal,2023;3(1):26-29, available at


Research is the systematic process of collecting data and investigating thoroughly therefore analyzing the information of that subject or theory to establish facts hence to increases one’s understanding under particular study. Research provides scientific information to explain the nature and properties of what has to be researched. Research in medicine is the basic research to aid and support one knowledge in the field of medicine. The history of Pharmacy revolves around the materialistic view only and it’s development in all regions of the entire world remained limited to the material substances. There is hidden treasures of homoeopathy that should be explored and presented in the scientific way. Homoeopathy is known scientific science and since Hahnemannian time its evidence-based but upto the practitioner. If research papers showing its evidence can further supplement this system with a firm standing. Now a days many studies on researches should be undertaken on a very large sample sizes at various/multicentric levels to enhance the understanding and acceptability of homoeopathy. This article helps you to choose the area of research in homoeopathic pharmacy.

Keywords: Homoeopathy, Homoeopathic Pharmacy, Area of research, Scope of pharmacy



The development of civilization suggests that problems related to disease has been tried to be solved by finding out the medicines. By Tracing the history for evolution of disease and medicine that run parallel to each others. Information about medicine and diseases accumulated from diverse sources throughout entire world. The Concepts and principle were tried to be applied based on the prevailing understanding; resulted in widespread diverse view which became the base for different systems of medicine.[1]

Even after several years of its discovery, Homoeopathy has not been able to establish itself strongly as an alternative to Conventional Medicine. The reason behind is the lack of research in Homoeopathy. Due to this lack of evidence based proof, the medical world fails to acknowledge the astonishing results produced by Homoeopath in cases where modern medicine failed to cure it. It is essential to “re-study”, “re-search” and “re-validate” the existing works in Homoeopathy with newer outlooks and thoughts.[2]

The research that done in Homoeopathy should be formulated and standardised and managed in such a systematic manner, therefore effort to improve the health condition should be build on evidence (evidence based research).[3] It required some requisite tools to conduct research and to made it as research evidence as that of modern medicine, simultaneously, with consideration of especial philosophy of homoeopathy.[4] The important keystone of research in health are Quality (in respect of - Ethical, reviewed expertly, efficient, effective, accessible, monitoring carefully and evaluation), Impact ( potential to improve global health security, accelerate health related development), and Inclusiveness (partnership, a multisectoral approach, the participation of communities and civil society).[3]

Here, discussing some of research area’s that should be explore more in Homoeopathy and in homoeopathic pharmacy –

According to our present literature i.e. Homoeopathic books, there are few topics that need to be explored more and need to research thoroughly like [5-7]

1. Remedy Action including Physiological, Toxicological, & Patho-physiological action, Pathological co-relation with the therapeutic index, Proved drugs in other systems like Ayurvedic or allopathic with  it’s uses in homeopathy for the disease conditions, Relationship between remedies, Inorganic Remedy studies, Relationship of pathogenesis of drugs – plant/animal kingdom to its chemical constituents, Study of Indian plant made remedies, Comparison morphological like calcera carbonicum, silicea terra, etc,  Remedies classification, modern approach in terms of preparation of mother tincture, trituration and dilutions, study of different vehicles with it’s medicinal qualities which are inert in it.

2. Preparation methods- Drug preparation according to Hahnemannian method & to know the efficacy in present scenario, to study the methods of preparation, obstacles and their solution, old & new method of preparations Difference, properties of vehicles used & selection in preparation of medicine.

3.  Concept of posology- LM potency utility in clinical practice, posology concept in chronic and acute condition, Higher potencies utility in clinical practice, Homoeopathic Prophylaxis, external applications scope in homoeopathy, mother tincture scope and utility in prescribing, vehicles importance in prescription, how to dispense medicine and placebo, interrelationship of homoeopathic & allopathic posology, importance of dosage in prescription.

4.  Potentisation- Mechanism of potentization, theory behind potentization, comparison of classical & modern potentization techniques, different potency scales comparison and different scales used in homoeopathic since Hahnemannian time till today.

5.  Drug proving-  drug proving protocols according to different authorities with it’s implementation in modern proving, obstacles faced or seen in proving- Identification, Evaluation, & Management, Compare both during & post Hahnemannian proving techniques.

6.   Miscellaneous- Utility & Validity of first and second prescription, Doctrine of signature efficacy in prescription, Inter-dependency of homoeopathy & biochemistry, Preservation of medicines- methods, obstacles and precautionary measures, Scope of homoeopathic pharmacy in relation to Materia Medica & organon of medicine,  Standardisation of drugs, vehicles – utility and effectiveness and validity.

7. New approaches – Pharmacokinetics of mother tincture and dilutions, pharmacovigilance, pharmacodynamics.

It can conducted inside institution premises or can be outside institution with the help of any laboratories.[8]

S. No.

Inside institution

Outside institution


Studies on Plant, like growth of plant, against some disease or induced diseases, and germination.

Studies on animal to know the different activities like anti-inflammatory,

anti-epileptic, hepatoprotective, hypoglycemic.


Standardization or pharmacognocy- TLC, UV, HPLC/HPTLC; pharmaceutical analysis like presence of phytoconstituents

In-vitro studies like cyto-toxic/anti-cancer, anti-oxidant, etc.




Study on Nanoparticle


Drug proving

Study on Gene expression


Lipoid flocculation



Expiry dates comparison in homoeopathic preparation in different countries and different pharmaceutical companies



Homoeopathic regulation according to different countries



This review research purpose is to help the reader and understand more different aspects of Homoeopathic Pharmacy. Since Dr Hahnemann was the very keen observer and had ample of knowledge in this field, has done various experiment in his time with some documents but in this era of evidence based research we homoeopaths need to explore much more in every aspects of our field. There has been few research and discussion conducted on these topics but require more work and more research and testing and data collection is required to gain a better understanding of our system and to be accepted by other systems as well. The topic like drug proving has many researches but new drugs or rare drugs should be thoroughly inspected. Remedy action and pharmacokinetics of any drugs should be conducted to know the sphere of actions as well as mechanism of action of drugs in our body. This will make the existence of homoeopathy in each and every country of this world.


1. Kayne SB. Homoeopathic Pharmacy: An Introduction and Handbook. London, England: Churchill Livingstone; 1996.

2. Arora S. Scientific Research in Homeopathy: An overview, requisites, current scenario, challenges, and future. Published on January 25th, 2012. (Last accessed on 2021 August, 7th). Availablefrom:

3. Manchanda R. K.. Key areas of homoeopathic research. Published on 10th June, 2016. (Last accessed on 2022 November, 15th). Available from:;year=2016;volume=10;issue=2;spage=97;epage=100;aulast=Manchanda

4. Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy. Dossier; 2013. Available from:

5.   Banerjee DD. Augmented textbook of homoeopathic pharmacy: 2Nd edition. 2nd ed. New Delhi, India: B Jain; 2012.

6.   Mandal PP, Mandal B. A textbook of homoeopathic pharmacy. 3rd ed. Delhi, India: New Central Book Agency; 2012.

7.  Topics for Thesis/Research in Homoeopathy. Published on June 4th, 2012. (Last accessed on 2021 August, 7th). Available from:

8.  Valavan R. Research topics for PG Scholars of homoeopathic pharmacy. Published on June 13th , 2013. (Last accessed on 2021 August, 7th). Available from:

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