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Hand, foot and mouth disease in children and their homoeopathic medicines – A review article

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KNOW Homoeopathy Journal Vol–3 & Issue-1, 15 March 2023, Published at, Pages: 33 to 35 , Title: Hand, foot and mouth disease in children and their homoeopathic medicines – A review article, Authored By: Dr. Deeksha Garg (BHMS, M.D.(Organon of Medicine) MBA (Hospital Administration), Assistant Professor Dept. of Surgery HMC& H, Chandigarh.) & Dr. Ishita Ganjoo (BHMS, M.D.(Practice of Medicine), Gold Medalist, Ph.D. Scholar, MBA (Hospital Administration), Associate Professor Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynaecology HMC & H, Chandigarh)




Title: Hand, foot and mouth disease in children and their homoeopathic medicines – A review article

                                            Authored By: Dr. Deeksha Garg[1] & Co-Authored By: Dr. Ishita Ganjoo[2]

[1]BHMS, M.D.(Organon of Medicine) MBA (Hospital Administration), Assistant Professor Dept. of Surgery HMC& H, Chandigarh


[2]BHMS, M.D.(Practice of Medicine), Gold Medalist, Ph.D. Scholar, MBA (Hospital Administration), Associate Professor Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynaecology HMC & H, Chandigarh


Received: 18/11/2022                        Accepted: 23/12/2022                                   Published: 15/03/2023         

  © 2023 KNOW Homoeopathy Journal

How to cite this article:

Garg D, Ganjoo I. Hand, foot and mouth disease in children and their homoeopathic medicines – A review article, KNOW Homoeopathy Journal, 2023; 3(1):33-35, available at



Coxsackie virus is a type of enterovirus which is highly infective for the children and can also affect the adults occasionally. It is highly contagious which is spread by saliva, respiratory droplets, fluid and faeces of a person. This virus leads to a systemic infection called hand, foot and mouth disease. It is not a serious illness but spread very quickly among the children below 5 years of age.

Keywords: Coxsackie virus, Enterovirus, Contagious, Vesicular


Hand, Foot and Mouth disease is a viral infection caused by Coxsackie A16 (enterovirus genus). This virus can affect people of any age group often less than 5 years of age.Virus spreads through discharges of nose and throat, stool of infected person and through infected blisters. Disease is most contagious in first week.[1]

This is presented as vesicular eruptions involving hand, foot and mouth caused by A5, A10 or A16. There are ulcers in mouth, rash, blister on palm and soles, fever, sore throat, loss of appetite, feeling unwell.Vaccination is not practicable as there are several stereotypes.[2]

This disease has an incubation period of 10 days, followed by mild fever and lymph nodes enlargement. After 2 or 3 days of fever, developments of lesions occur on the surface of hand and feet with blisters in the mouth.[3] It is a self limiting disease condition but there is need of medical intervention because of painful lesions.

Hand, Foot and Mouth disease can be prevented by washing hands properly, stop touching eyes and picking nose frequently, avoid the contact of infected person.

Diagnosis of this disease is made on the basis of examination of patient and eruptions. Rarely, sample front he throat or stool is taken for laboratory testing.

There is no particular treatment for this disease condition but there are different homoeopathic medicines which will give symptomatic relief to the patient. Patient should be given lot of water to drink to avoid dehydration.


Fever; eruptions with vesicles, small, round, upon reddened mucus membrane of mouth, soon open and form flat ulcer, with red edges and white or yellowish base – Merc sol.[5]


·         Eruptions around the mouth with vesicles

·         Inflamed mucous membrane with small and round vesicles

·         Ulcer – flat, red edges, white or yellow base

·         Fever with marked debility

·         Excess sweating during fever which does not give relief

·         Vesicular and pustular eruptions

·         Ulcers has undermined edges and irregular margins


·         Acts on cellular tissue causing oedema of skin and mucous membrane

·         Scalding in mouth and throat

·         Tongue fiery, red, swollen, sore and raw with vesicles

·         Fever with afternoon chills, with thirst; worse on motion and heat

·         Feet swollen and stiff

·         Hands are numb with eruptions

·         Rash appear after the stage of perspiration.


·         Vesicles and burning sensation on tongue

·         Deep crack in the middle of lower lip

·         Large vesicle around the mouth with swelling and burning sensation

·         Chills comes in between 9 to 11 am

·         Blisters appear with fever

·         Fever with great thirst


·         Soreness of mouth as well as gums

·         Blisters appear around the mouth and chin with fever

·         Well indicated remedy in affection of skin and mucous membrane

·         Tongue coated, cracked and inflamed

·         Throat swollen with lymph node enlargement

·         Fever with restlessness all over the body

·         Eruptions appear during the stage of heat


·         Fever with periodicity

·         Infection in blood with fever

·         Patient is restless physically as well as mentally

·         Great debility with fever

·         Mouth ulceration with burning sensation

·         Patient is thirsty but can drink little at a time


·         Fever with dryness of mouth

·         No desire to drink water

·         Lower lip cracked in the centre

·         Feet are inflamed and red

·         Burning sensation all over at night

·         Patient feels better in open air


·         Dryness of lips with cracks in the corner of the mouth

·         Fever with chill and does not relieved even in warm room

·         Vesicles and pustules are very common on extremities

·         Patient is better in open air and rest


Homoeopathy is highly effective to manage the cases of hand, foot and mouth disease. With homoeopathic medicine the different complaints of sore throat, blisters, skin rash, etc in this disease can be easily managed. A homoeopathic cure is based on principle from centre to circumference and this system never recommends the suppression of diseases but encourage expulsion through administration of homoeopathic remedies.


1. Arora Amit, A textbook of immunology and microbiology and parasitology , Ist edition, New Delhi, B Jain Publishers P Ltd (p 277)

2. Tewari B k, Practical approach to homoeopathy, , Ist edition, New Delhi, B Jain Publishers P Ltd

3.  Davidson, Davidson principles and practice of medicine, 24th edition, USA, Elseviers ( p 291)

4.  Boericke William, Boericke’s new manual of material medica with repertory , 9th  edition, New Delhi, B Jain Publishers P Ltd (pp 55-61-79-432-459-536-552)

5. Murphy Robin, Homoeopathic medical repertory, 3rd revised edition, New Delhi, B Jain Publishers P Ltd (p 831)

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