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Scope of homoeopathy in treating Ulcerative Colitis

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KNOW Homoeopathy Journal Vol–3 & Issue-2, 18 October 2023, Published at, Pages: 64 to 67 , Title: Scope of homoeopathy in treating ulcerative colitis, Authored By: Dr. Mansi Srivastava (BHMS, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor Department of FMT Chandola Homoeopathic Medical College Rudrapur Uttarakhand, India.) 


Title: Scope of homoeopathy in treating ulcerative colitis

Authored By: Dr. Mansi Srivastava 


Assistant professor-Department of FMT

Chandola Homoeopathic Medical College Rudrapur Uttarakhand, India 

Received: 21/01/2023                           Accepted: 02/08/2023                                   Published: 18/10/2023         

  © 2023 KNOW Homoeopathy Journal

How to cite this article:

Srivastava M. Scope of homoeopathy in treating ulcerative colitis, KNOW Homoeopathy Journal, 2023; 3(2):64-67, available at


“Ulcerative colitis is a major health problem worldwide. It is inflammation and ulceration of large intestine of the alimentary tract. It is common among individuals of all age group with weak immune system and those who are on immunosuppressant drugs. Patient suffers from severe excruciating pain at irregular intervals in epigastric and hypochondriac region bilaterally after ingestion of food. It causes diarrhoea with blood, cramping and urgency. Homoeopathic medicines work wonder in the treatment of colitis.”

Keywords: Homoeopathy, Homoeopathic Therapeutics, Ulcerative colitis.





Ulcerative colitis[1] results in ulceration and inflammation of alimentary canal. It chiefly affects the innermost lining of large intestine, mainly last part i.e. colon and rectum. In major cases symptoms usually develop gradually and take times to manifest.

Ulcerative colitis can sometimes lead to life-threatening sequel. At present there are many new and old ways of treatments which may cure signs and symptoms of colitis along with healthy diet plan and life habits. Proper diet and regimen plays a vital role in its prognosis. Ulcerative colitis often causes diarrhoea with blood, cramping and urgency.


On the basis of severity of inflammation and site of ulcerative colitis the signs and symptoms[1] may vary as follows

  • Diarrhoea mixed with blood, mucus or pus
  • Abdominal cramping and spasmodic pain
  • High grade temperature
  • Urgency to defecate
  • Pain and bleeding in  rectum                  
  • Difficulty in passing stool
  • Profound  weight loss
  • Severe fatigue and Tiredness
  • Weight loss
  • Anaemia
  • Nausea

Most patients with ulcerative colitis have more or less severe range of symptoms. The course of ulcerative colitis varies from patient to patient, as some suffers for long duration. 


The exact cause of ulcerative colitis remains iatrogenic. As per some researchers diet and stress are chief cause for ulcerative colitis.Where as some researchers says that diet and stress may only aggravate and don't cause colitis.

It may be caused due to defective or weak immune system. When immune system resist in order to protect human cells from invading virus, bacteria or any foreign microorganism then our immune system responds back and through chain of reactions fights back with those cells in gastrointestinal tract.

Ulcerative colitis can occur in people of any age, but it is mostly seen in between age group[2] 15 to 30 and less frequently between 50 -70 years of age group. Majorly colitis is diagnosed  in children as young as 2 years of age or 20% of patients before 20 years of age

Heredity also plays an important role in tendency to ulcerative colitis. It affects all sexes equally and appears to run in families. However, most patients do not have family history of colitis.


It has same incidence in both genders there is no inclination to male or female population. Risk factors may include[1]:

  • Family history: Increased risk if there is any family history of colitis, such as father, mother, sibling, or offspring.
  • Age: It can be seen in any age group. It usually begins before the age of 30. Few patients may not even develop the disease until old age.
  • Race or ethnicity: A person belonging to white race have the high risk though person belonging to any race can suffer from this problem.


Following complications[1] can occur after colitis:

  • More tendency towards colon cancer
  • Dehydration
  • Toxic megacolon
  • Perforated colon
  • Increased risk of blood clots in veins and arteries
  • Osteoporosis
  • Inflammation of eyes, joints and skin.
  • Profuse bleeding



1.     Bacterial colitis

2.     Parasitic colitis

3.     Ischaemic colitis

4.     Radiation colitis

5.     Behcet’s colitis

6.     Sexually transmitted colitis


It can be classified[1] into the following types depending on the part of the intestine affected. Many of the symptoms often overlap each other. Types of ulcerative colitis include:
  • ULCERATIVE PROCTITIS: In this type of colitis, inflammation is present in the rectum. Bleeding from the rectum is one sign of the disease.
  • PANCOLITIS: In this type of colitis, inflammation involves all parts of the colon and causes a large volume of blood with loose watery stool that may be severe with abdominal cramps sometimes with pain, fatigue, with significant weight loss.
  • PROCTOSIGMOIDITIS: In this type of colitis, inflammation is present in the rectum and sigmoid colon. Symptoms are blood with loose stool, abdominal cramping-type pain, and an inability to move the bowels despite the urge to defecate also known as tenesmus.
  • LEFT-SIDED COLITIS: In this inflammation extends from the rectum up through the sigmoid and descending portions of the colon. Symptoms include diarrhoea with blood discharge, abdominal cramping pain on the left side of the abdomen, and urgency to defecate.



Colitis with stools containing shreds of intestinal mucus membrane. Increased hunger. Specially indicated in high fevers and fleshy persons.

Constant bearing down in rectum with bleeding. Soreness and hot sensation of the rectum, and is ameliorated by cold water. A lot of mucus and wind is expelled with stools and the pain remains in the rectum after passing stool.

Membranous stools. Flatus expelled with a noise. constipation. Pains in the region of the spleen.

The smell of food causes nausea and vomiting. Stools are membranous with pain in the abdomen and flatulence.

Yellowish and watery stools. No abdominal pain. Some flatus along with stools.

Distension of abdomen with wind. Pain over right hypochondrium region. White shreds along with stool.

Severe cutting pains in the abdomen forcing the patient to bend double. Pains worse after anger. Mouth tastes bitter.

Haemorrhage before the passage of stool. Passes pure red blood with stool and pain in amenorrhea.

Chronic intestinal ulceration and perforation with cutting pain, soreness and burning. Diarrhea or dysentery. Stools brown, jelly-like and frothy.

Colitis with offensive diarrhea alternating with constipation. The abdomen is very sensitive to pressure.

Diarrhea or dysentery due to ulceration of the intestines with incessant tenesmus. The stool hot,  with blood and mucus pieces.

Enterocolitis. Colic and other symptoms are worse after taking milk.

Simple or ulcerative colitis after insults and injuries like after rape.

Treatment should be started and ended with this remedy.

Colitis on account of amoebic dysentery.

This article is an attempt to explain and understand ulcerative colitis its causes, risk factors, signs, symptoms, various types, how to diagnose, its complications along with homoeopathic therapeutic which is found to be useful in treating patients suffering from ulcerative colitis.

1-     Colitis [Internet]. Mayo Clinic. [cited 2022 November 23] Available from:
2-     Colitis [Internet]. Cleveland Clinic [cited 2022 November 23] Available from:
3-     Khaneja, H.S.; Illustrated guide to the homoeopathic treatment; 3rd Edition; New Delhi; B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; 2010, p 160-161
4-     Algappan, R.; Manual of practical medicine;5th edition;jaypee brothers medical publishers(p) ltd.;2014, p 435

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